What is an exterior 3d visualization and why is it matter to RE developers?

Exterior 3d visualization - yurooms

Exterior 3d visualization allows us to see the overall shape and form of a complex building before being built.  Real estate developers often use photorealistic renderings of buildings for pre-listing and marketing purposes.

What is 3d visualization of a building exterior and why is it needed?

3D visualization of a building exterior is a process of creating a realistic and detailed image of a building. It is a process of creating an image of a building that is not yet built. Using computer software and 3D modeling techniques, designers carefully create a proposed building in the virtual world to mimic what it will look like in the real world. 

Benefits of using 3d visualization in real estate design and development 

  1. It lets developers, designers and  builders make changes prior to the actual construction.
  2. Investors can see the future building before investing into the project.
  3. It helps in marketing the building.
  4. In the case of commercial real estate, it helps potential tenants see what the building looks like before signing the lease.
  5. City officials and the general public see how the new proposed building might affect the town and city’s overall landscape.

How to create an exterior 3d visualization?

3D visualization of a building exterior is created by using 3D software such as 3D Studio Max by Autodesk. A designer must first create a 3D model from 2D floor plans and elevations. He or she then applies lighting, material and landscape to mimic the real world environment. The last step is to render the image using specialized visualization software such as Vray or Corona Render.

This process could take anywhere from 40-80 hours. This is why many busy real estate developers and builders don’t have the time for it. They rely on companies like us to provide this kind of service. If you are in need of an exterior 3d visualization for your next project, please fill in the contact form below to get started. One of our associates will reach out to you within the next 24 hours. Meanwhile, you can see our most recent projects here.

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