Digital furniture staging and removal service for real estate professionals

digital furniture staging before

Today, most home buyers and renters will start their property searches on the Internet. In this environment, there is no doubt that high-quality real estate photography can make business information stand out and attract buyers’ attention. At Yurooms, digital furniture staging is our core feature. We are always committed to making bright, vibrant, and sharp photos-images “pop” with many styles of furniture. Potential buyers and tenants can’t help but notice. 

How do we do it? I am glad you ask. To achieve a high level photo realism quality, our team follows a two steps process.

Step 1: Digital furniture removal or de-clutter

The first step in our digital furniture staging process is to remove any clutter of existing furniture. It is easier to start with a blank canvas. That’s why we ask our clients to send in photos of their vacant rooms for our popular virtual staging service.

However, we understand that time is valuable. You might not have the time or budget to hire a furniture removal company to remove existing furniture in your house. That is why our team is here to help you remove any clutter of old furniture digitally. 

Furthermore, you don’t even need to hire a professional photographer to take pictures of your rooms. You can simply take photos with your smartphone and send them to us AS IS. We will digitally remove any unwanted furniture and furnish the room with new ones from our collection.

digital furniture staging before
digital furniture staging after

Step 2: Digital furniture staging 

The second step in our digital furniture staging service is the actual furniture staging itself. After de-cluttering your photos, we will then add new furniture that you have chosen from Yuroom’s collection.  There is a great deal of photo composite going into this stage to achieve a high level of photo realism quality. Simply, you cannot achieve this level of quality by using any DIY software available in the market. At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. If you are a busy real estate professional and don’t have the time or skill to do it yourself, let us save you time so you can focus on what you do best! 

Contact us to get started

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