Where to use 3d rendering in real estate buying cycles?

3d rendering in 5 steps buying cycle

If you are a marketing professional, you are probably familiar with the 5 steps in a buying cycle. They are awareness, consideration, intent, purchase and brand loyalty. But if you are a real estate professional, chances are this might be the first time you heard of it. In this article, I will explain what the 5 steps in a buying cycle are and where you can use 3d rendering to generate maximum return for your investment.

1. Use 3d rendering to build awareness

3d rendering - awareness

Image source: Profitwell

In this first stage of the buying cycle, potential clients have problems and they are searching for a solution. Real estate companies tend to spend the most marketing dollars in this stage to reach the most potential clients.

First impressions are very important. To gain traction with potential clients in this first stage, one must focus on creating values to the customers via valuable contents. For the real estate industry, the ability to visualize the future space is invaluable. 

Have you ever come across a real estate listing online and wish that the photos are not so empty and cold? According to a study, 90% of real estate buyers start their search online before moving to the next buying cycle – the consideration stage. 

Therefore, it is crucial to create the first impression with online shoppers. Our 3d rendering service can help you achieve this goal by staging your empty rooms, or visualizing your under construction projects for pre-sale purposes.

To learn more, check out our virtual staging and virtual renovation services.

2. Use 3d rendering for consideration

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Image source: Profitwell

After building awareness in the first step, a real estate sales professional will often host an open house or schedule an in-person meeting with potential buyers. As a real estate agent, your job is to give a detailed description of the listing and answer any questions that a potential client might have. 

Buyers love options. So it is crucially important to give them choices. If a buyer does not like the color of the wall, give him or her the option to change it. What’s about the floor? Do they like an island kitchen? What’s about taking out the bathtub and replacing it with a stand up shower? How’s about changing the granite countertop to a different color? 

Surely, a lot of these can be done by the buyer after he or she has purchased the property. However, if you have the ability to show the buyer in advance all the possibilities, wouldn’t that will set you apart from your competitors?

Once again, our 3d rendering service can help. We can take your photos and generate different options for the wall, the floor, counter top, etc….For sure, this will entice your potential buyers.

3. Intent

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Image source: Profitwell

Once potential buyers reach this stage, they are ready to buy. Your job now is not to educate buyers but to earn their trust. You can achieve this by showing reviews and testimonials from past clients. In addition, you can provide case studies and benefit lists. It all comes down to one question – why should they buy from you and not your competitors?

One of the benefits for using our 3d rendering service is that we will provide you with a free one page listing website for FREE. This can include reviews, video testimonials from past clients, benefit lists, case studies and anything else you can think of. We even cover the hosting for 30 days.

4. Purchase

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Image source: Profitwell

If you have done the previous steps well. Chances are one of your potential clients is now your actual customer.

Your job now is to keep an on-going relationship and support your buyer throughout the buying process.

5. Brand Loyalty – Repurchase

buying cycle - repurchasing

Image source: Profitwell

Is there a brand that you will stay with forever? When it comes to sneakers, my favorite brand is adidas. I will not trade it for any other brands.

In the residential real estate market, repurchasing does not happen often unless the buyers are investors, flippers and/or contractors. However, once in a while you will come across one. Regardless of whether you are in the residential or commercial real estate, it is very important to maintain a great relationship with your clients, to check up on them every now and then and to get to know them better even after a sale is long over. Doing that well, and your revenue will increase tremendously over the course of your business.

Why do buying cycles matter?

Above is a quick introduction to the 5 stages in a buying cycle. Understanding which stage you are in will help you pick the right strategy for your next marketing campaign. If you have a need to create unique contents for your next listing, please consider using our 3d rendering service. We have over 100 different selections of furniture to choose from. In addition, we will create a one page HTML web page listing for you for FREE.

Contact us to get started

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